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Home ›Annual Haunted Hayride returns to Montello October 15-16
The Montello Lions Club is returning the Halloween spirit to the spooky forest west of town on Highway 23 when it hosts its Haunted Hayride this weekend, Friday, October 15th and Saturday, October 16th. Hayrides begin at dusk and go until 9 p.m. both nights.
The ride takes you through the haunted woods, where creatures await to give you a scare. Also watch for the 300 carved, lighted pumpkins in Pumpkin Hollow!
Admission is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children; under age 5 are free. There will be food and refreshments to enjoy at the start or finish of your journey, free popcorn for the kids, and scary fun for all ages!
The hayride takes place 3 miles west of Montello on Highway 23. Watch for signs.