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Marquette County Tribune
PO Box 188, 120 Underwood Ave.,
Montello, WI 53949
E-Edition Questions
Please call 608-767-3655
Editorial/News Items/Obituaries:
Contact Pam Finger
Deadline for News - Monday @ 5pm for publication that week
Display Advertising:
Contact Jody McManus if advertising for West of I-39: or call 608-572-5153
Contact Alec Finger if advertising for East of I-39: or call 608-575-9134
Deadline for Display Ads - Friday @ 10am for publication the following week
Classified Advertising:
E-mail classified requests to our Black Earth Office: or call 608-767-3655
Deadline for Classified Ads - Monday @ 9 am for publication that week
Legal Notices:
E-mail all legal notice requests (including item to be published, when and how long to be published and if you require an affidavit)
Deadline for Legal Notices - Friday @ 10 am for publication the following week